Breast Health

Breast Pain –

Lumps, Bumps, & Discharges

Part of a preventive role for our bosom buddies is to be informed about breast lumps, their possible causes and when to seek medical help.  Infections, injuries, non-cancerous growths, cysts, fibrocystic changes, xenohormones and even parasites all play a role in breast lumps.  But painless lumps, nipple discharge, and rashes or skin inflammation on the breast can all signal breast cancer.

Educate yourself.  You are the one who will feel and see these symptoms first.

In approximately 80% of cases, breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous). Benign conditions that can cause breast lumps include:

  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Cysts
  • Fibroadenomas
  • Papillomas
  • Phyllodes tumors (usually benign)
  • Galactoceles
  • Granular cell tumors
  • Duct ectasia
  • Fat necrosis

Unusual benign breast lesions include: lipoma, adenolipoma, fat necrosis and hematoma, abscess, mastitis, giant hypertrophy, Mondor’s disease, galactocele, cyst with parasites, and nodular fasciitis (fibromatosis).


Mastitis is an infection of the breast, recognizable by the “itis” status.  Bacteria can enter into the breast usually when we are breastfeeding or lactating through a nipple that has become cracked or sore.  A hard painful area commonly thought of as a clogged milk duct can form.  A good hot shower with lots of massage, followed by plying the breasts with hot towels may prevent an actual infection.  Some infections may be a pus pocket or an abscess with connections down into the breast, or may be a wider area of redness that spreads out called cellulitis.

Although the medical answer will usually be an antibiotic, please think about the exposure you will be giving your baby to this class of drugs so early in life.  Do all you can to stop infections in their track; but be wise and go to a doctor quickly when needed. Lugol’s liquid iodine would be my favorite product to use, and would definitely not be harmful but instead helpful to a baby.  Another reason I love my alkalizing water machine is that it will produce acidic water that kills germs on contact.  What a terrific natural way to kill bacteria on your breast.  That’s why the Japanese use this water to disinfect their hospitals…I certainly haven’t heard of any crisis in Japan with many of the superbugs  passed in American hospitals.

Body piercers are also at risk for increased breast infections that may be hard to treat.


Usually lumps that occur after an obvious injury are not cancerous.  Tiny blood vessels can rupture and cause bleeding that can be felt as a lump.  These hematomas will go away on their own within a short period of time, just like a blood vessel that may rupture on your finger.

A trauma to the breast can cause fat necrosis, or damage to the fat cells.  Massage this area with Vitamin E and also take internally.   I would also put a liquid iodine/iodide, Lugol’s, on this area.  Many lumps have gone away with repeated  applications directly on the lump.  See iodine chapter for specific information.

Non-cancerous growths that cause breast lumps

Teenagers and pregnant women often develop fibroadenomas, or benign non-cancerous growths.  The solid, firm tumors are usually painless or slightly tender and are very common in 30-35 year olds.

These are usually hormone related.  Monitor birth control pills very carefully.  Eliminate caffeine products because they elevate estrogen levels.  Analyze sources of xenohormones and eliminate from your environment.

I remember as a married 18 year old having my first traumatic Pap smear and breast exam which did not show any problems.  But less than a week later, I had a large lump in my breast.  My old time family doctor was notified and a return visit scheduled that day.  By that evening I was in a small hospital having the lump removed.  All I remember was that a local was used and I was awake during the procedure to see a young nurse faint as they removed several lumps.  I haven’t forgotten the experience, but I have forgotten the exact label that they used for the non-cancerous lumps that literally grew in a week.


I’ve had trouble finding lots of information about this type of lump.  After another biopsy about 15 years ago, my doctor told me it was a calcium based lump.  It was not cancerous so I didn’t need to worry.  I do understand now that they can determine if these are calcium lumps on a mammogram, but a biopsy was done on mine to make sure.  Ask for more information about these—it might save you a biopsy.

This large lump was my bodies cry for help. I had an acidic body, so it was removing the acid overload, crystallizing it and storing it in my fatty tissues.  It took me years to learn that I just needed to work toward normalizing my body ph to prevent these lumps from reoccurring.  So if you have recurring lumps, one of the easiest things to do is to alkalize your system.  You need to be taking a broad spectrum of minerals, change your salt to an unrefined salt, and eat more fruits and vegetables.  I would also consider taking some baking soda, or some apple cider vinegar daily (it has 19 minerals) to help alkalize your body.  Cesium chloride, the most alkaline mineral, can also be taken for a short period to balance your body. (See complete chapter on ph balance)


These are tiny specks of calcium that raise a cancer concern if they are grouped together in areas of rapidly dividing cells.  Your doctor may decide to order another mammogram or biopsy.  Before another potentially dangerous x-ray is taken I would look at other options, especially thermograms.  You could also work to alkalize your body and do a parasite cleanse (see information about parasites below) before the lumps are checked again.

Either type of calcifications can be other mineral deposits but are usually calcium within the fluid of a non-cancerous cyst, or dilated milk ducts.  Lumps that occur after injuries to the breast, and specks in the arteries of the breast are also normally calcium deposits.  These calcium deposits are not related to your intake of dietary calcium or calcium supplements.  Again, they are more related to an overly acidic body.

Breast Cysts

Tiny fluid filled sacs within the breast tissue are usually benign.  They usually use a needle biopsy to withdraw fluid, which can be a possible indication of a benign cyst because as a rule non-fluid solid growths do have more concern attached to them.  Again, these cysts are very common and can be especially tender.

Fibrocystic Changes

During a mammogram in my early 40’s, the nurse helping me commented, “Oh, you poor thing!”  She was talking about fibrocystic lumps in my breasts, and although I didn’t have any problems with tenderness, she definitely characterized them as lumpy.  Thirty minutes of breast massages helped to work these lumps out overnight.  When I went for another breast exam, the diagrams of my breast with locations of lumps were crossed out.  The doctor did ask what I had done, but was pretty unenthusiastic when he found out that massages had helped these lumps to reduce in just hours.  I’m sure that I actually helped my lymphatic drainage and cleared out lots of extra toxins at the same time.  Do the suggested exercises to help with fibrocystic breast problems.

This thermogram is of a 47 year old client already diagnosed with a simple fibrocyst in the upper left breast. The thermal finding at left (as indicated by the white arrow) is consistent with inflammation that can be associated with such a cyst. Note the absence of “hypervascularity” which typically accompanies active breast cancers. [1]

Breast Swelling/Enlargement

Our fatty tissues are the perfect storage site for toxins of all kinds.  Pass the word around that massage/exercises should be common sense to every woman as a method to protect and clean our fatty tissues and help lymph drainage.  Remember, as you collect pounds over the years, toxins are being stored in your body.  The heavier you are, the more toxins you have.

In 1973, a study conducted by the Department of Occupational Health at Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, compared cancerous breast tissue with non-cancerous tissue from elsewhere in the same woman’s body.  The concentration of toxic chemicals such as DDT and PCBs was “much increased in the malignant tissue compared to the normal breast and adjacent adipose tissue.”

If you have problematic periods with tender breasts please see a naturopathic doctor.  They can give you natural products that will alleviate both of these problems.  One of my favorite products for this is from Deseret Biologicals and comes in a set:  Hormone Combination and Female Balance.  Standard Process has a trio of products, Black Current Seed Oil, Hypothalmex, and Symplex F that I also highly recommend.


. Filarial infection of the breast, though uncommon, is not rare. The larvae enter the lymphatic vessels of the mammary gland, causing lymphangitis, fibrosis, and disruption of lymphatic drainage. The larvae appear in late, inactive phases as serpiginous calcifications. Because patients with these parasites present with lumps in the breast, the findings are a cause for concern, since they are often clinically suspected to be malignant

Although there is a global campaign to eliminate filariasis, 3 and make sure you take a parasite cleanser of some kind after returning from a trip.  The medical profession may suspect parasites in an immigrant but not in an American.  The truth is, Americans have more parasites that most other people, simply because we travel around the world, bringing home the world’s parasites and then do nothing to protect ourselves or others we are around.  Other cultures have the common sense to do a parasite cleanse once in awhile.

My favorite cleanse, Parasite Complex, from Deseret Biologicals* should be taken along with a lymph node drainer. There are many brands of natural parasite cleansers.  Always consider a natural remedy first because they will kill a variety of parasites.  If you ask your doctor about parasites, they will order a test that can only check for a few kinds of parasites, when it fact there are hundreds of kinds.  If they consider giving you a prescription, be extra careful.  Many of these have extremely toxic side effects and are even known to cause cancer.  Most drugs are specific for one kind of parasite.  Use the one second test to determine if a suggested drug is correct or if it will weaken your body.

Another all purpose product that I use for many female problems is called 10 In 1, and is from GBG.  It can easily be ordered from  This is the most potent natural product I have found in a liquid form for the best price anywhere.  Most people are hitting and missing with supplements; they think they need Vit .C, so they buy it and then buy a bottle of Vit. E. until they have a barrel full of supplements.  I would rather start my clients on a very good multi-purpose product that they can rely on and then add extra iodine or whatever else is needed.  We have too many deficiencies today to be experimenting on ourselves by guessing what we need.  We need everything—every month.  We are the riches nation in the world –but we can only boast the 79th best in health because we are a mal-nourished nation.

Fungal Colonies

Dr.T. Simoncini, a Roman oncologist, has written the most interesting book that I’ve seen on cancer lately, Cancer is a Fungus. He was interviewed by Doug Kaufman, the host of the television series, Know the Cause.  In a twenty minute video from this program,[2] Dr. Simoncini, takes you inside the body and shows you what happens in a biopsy and obvious signs of a fungal infection related to cancer that the medical world is missing.

Basically, he is saying that cancer looks like a fungus, acts like a fungus, feeds like a fungus and therefore must be a fungus. And of course, the medical community’s reaction has been one of overwhelming disagreement, to put it lightly.

There’s a saying that this reaction brings to mind.  All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.”    (Schopenhauer).

Fungi are estimated to comprise an outstanding 25% of the world’s biomass.[3] Various surveys of homes in North America and Europe have reported that visible mould and water damage are found in 23%-98% of all homes.  The most common indoor fungi generally collected are: Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Stachybotrys, Rizopus, Mucor, Wallemia, Trichoderma, yeasts, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Fusarium species are often found indoors as well. Fungal populations are connected with many different health symptoms.

If you have had persistent problems with yeast infections of any kind you need to see a natural practitioner.  Moulds, yeasts and fungi are some of the hardest pathogens to clear from a body. It may take from 6 months to a year.  It really takes perseverance, but it is worth the extra protection for your body to protect it from potential cancer causes.

One of the best products I have found is called MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement.  At $35 or less it is one of the best buys on the market and can easily be located with a search engine on the internet.  Many natural practitioners may carry it.

A live blood analysis showed the fungus that I had in my body, probably from years of a toe nail fungus.[4] I have spent lots of time, effort and money to clear my body of this—to no avail.  After starting the MMS, my blood was clear of  fungi within 10 days and has stayed clear for several months.


[2]Kaufmann, Doug.  “Interview with Dr. Simoncinni: Cancer is A Fungus” Know the Cause.  Oct. 2008 <>.

[3] Curtis, Luke, “” “Adverse Health Effects of Indoor Moulds.” American Academy of Environmental Medicine (2004) <>.

[4] Live Blood Analysis, Linda Bamber, Sept. 1 and Sept. 11, 2008.

Beyond Pink – an article by BRAS founder, Linda Bamber, Published in KC Wellness Monthly

Supporting Research on Thermography

Beyond Mammography
The Role of Mammography in Breast Health
Dr. Mercola on Thermography